Corporate College
Corporate College
The Corporate College at Austin Community College (ACC) operates with the intention of meeting the needs of the business community that we serve. We routinely custom develop a wide array of specialized courses for our clients. Please feel free to inquire about courses that interest your organization by contacting Randy Floyd, Advanced Technologies and Manufacturing Program Manager at The Corporate College at ACC. Randy can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at (512) 223-0127.
The curriculum listed on this page is not exhaustive.
Curriculum Offerings for Corporate College
Advanced Technologies and Manufacturing
The core curriculum developed by ACC’s Corporate College provides a fundamental understanding of the subsystems present in most advanced technologies and manufacturing environments, including basic trouble-shooting skills.
The total core curriculum is 112 hours and is delivered in three series:
1. Electronics
2. Automation
3. Process Control/Troubleshooting
Advanced Technologies and Manufacturing Specialty
The Semiconductor Series is the first specialty curriculum developed by the ACC Corporate College team for the advanced technologies and manufacturing industry. It focuses on skills required by equipment and process technicians.
The Semiconductor Series complements the Advanced Technologies and Manufacturing core curriculum by offering an additional 56 hours of training in skills required by two important groups of semiconductor industry workers:
1. Equipment Technicians
2. Process Technicians
Advanced Technologies and Manufacturing Elective Curriculum
The elective curriculum for Advanced Technologies and Manufacturing offers a variety of specialty classes.
Developed at the request of various industry clients, these courses meet the training needs of technicians of all types in the manufacturing industry.
There are two categories of classes:
1. Technical Skills Development
2. Personal Skills Development
Additional offerings are available upon request. We can design and deliver specialized curriculum to fit your needs. Submit the inquiry form below to get the process started. Our Advanced Technologies and Manufacturing Program Manager, Randy Floyd will contact you to get the process started after you submit the form.