High School Advanced Manufacturing Impact Academy
What is an ACC Career Academy?
An ACC Career Academy is a dual credit program in a high demand workforce area that can be completed by high school graduation.
Who is this Academy for?
High school juniors interested in manufacturing
The Academy was designed to fully immerse students in manufacturing. The following are planned activities and experiences:
- Students will be exposed to the incubator and its activities
- Students will be assigned a mentor
- ARMA Industry event will be held at incubator every semester and students will be included
- Manufacturing facility tours
- Potential summer internship
- Students will earn the Certified Production Technician certification upon completion.
IMPACT Academy at ACC
The Austin Community College (ACC) High School Advanced Manufacturing IMPACT Academy is a dual credit program in a high demand workforce area that can be completed by high school graduation. Currently the median salary is $52,860 and there are 71 annual job openings.
The facilities at our Highland Campus will house the High School Advanced Manufacturing IMPACT Academy. The Academy will also utilize the equipment in the IMPACT lab incubator which will be used to support entrepreneurs, credit programs and non-credit programs.
ACC has worked with AISD and other area ISD’s to ensure alignment exists between the ACC courses and the high school programs. Upon completion of the two-year academy program, the students will earn the Advance Manufacturing Level 1 Certificate (24 college credits) and can earn the Advanced Manufacturing Production certificate (up to 6 additional college credits). Students will have up to 30 college credits and can complete 50% of the Associate’s Degree.
Get Inspired
Meet some of the faculty and students from Austin Community College’s Manufacturing Program.This rapidly growing industry employs more than 65K workers in Central Texas and the average salary is $93K/annually.
Learn more at austincc.edu/manufacturing
Mison Zuñiga
Director, High School Programs
Enrollment & Partnerships
[email protected]
Tim Hemesath
Department Chair,
Advanced Manufacturing
[email protected]